Foolproof MDPs: The definitive guide

May 24, 2023
Foolproof MDPs: The definitive guide

Designing a management development program (MDP) for your senior managers can be exceptionally rewarding – if you can make it ‘click’.A successful program requires you to identify specific business objectives, and work closely with your participants (which could include your CEO!), learning partners, and your company’s management.The catch, of course, is that gaps may arise at multiple points before, during and after the program. Which is why we have put together these 8 steps.This list has helped us ensure comprehensive MDPs time and again. We trust it will help you too, in designing and coordinating winning programs.10-minute read which covers:

  1. Mapping ‘learning’ to business objectives
  2. Getting participants involved in the program
  3. Ensuring focus and relevance
  4. Generating insight even for senior managers
  5. Tapping peer experience and best practices
  6. Designing an intense program
  7. Translating program investment into specific results
  8. Minimizing your follow-up frustration

Have additional experiences to add? Do drop us a line, or add a comment here, and we will ensure your words reach the right audience.Download the complete guide, which includes examples and how-tos.

foolproof guide to mdp

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